Sunday, September 24, 2006


What can I say--my granddaughter, Katya, is just about the smartest baby ever. Now I know that at almost 15 months she only has three teeth but besides that she is developing very nicely. Her clothes certainly don't get worn out before she has grown out of them.

Her vocabulary is getting bigger and bigger and her understanding of words. She loves to read books and have them read to her. I bought her a new book about Cats--she loves it. She has a love of cats and dogs--actually almost any animal. I bought her a cassette player at a garage sale for one dollar and the lady threw in 16 children's music and story cassettes. It also has a microphone so you can sing along. Imagine all this for one dollar. Now we all sing along with the songs and the batteries are still working. Tonight we got to sing in the bathroom while Katya had her bath.

We also got her a swing at a garage sale. Rudy rigged it up on our deck and she gets a swing every time she comes over. Garage sales are great--I love them.

Tonight Rudy and I babysat Katya--so it was bath, read a book or two, a bite to eat and off to bed. We had to lower the mattress in her crib so she cannot crawl out.

She loves the computer. I have now found a site called Treehouse and it has some really good things for younger children to do . She even showed me where the 'standby' key was. I didn't even know we had a button for that. Maybe that was pure luck but you never know.

A few days ago one of Katya's expensive earrings was missing. We could not find it anywhere. We found out today that Jillian found it at home in Katya's crib. But what was she wearing for earrings today--Jillian's diamond earrings. It is not often that a 15 month old girl gets to wear diamond earrings.


My losing weight really slowed down for awhile and it took me nearly two weeks to lose some more weight. I have now lost 25 pounds and feel good. I have had to pack up a lot of my clothes--I am not feeling sorry about getting rid of them. Last Tuesday Katya and I went to Value Village and I bought two pairs of pants. One was a pair of jeans--stretch material at that--size 16. I know that somewhere along my weight gain I was into a size 16--it's good to be back there.

I am starting an exercise program on Tuesday. The "Living Healthy" program, at the hospital, has given me a stress test. On Tuesday I get evaluated according to my stress test. On Thursday I start exercising--with the assistance of a trainer. Then I go to the exercise room at the hospital for three months--twice a week. This will give me and them a chance to get me into a good routine and doing the things I need to do to improve my health. I am very lucky to be in this program. I know that it is time to start exercising if I want to lose more weight.

Now I need to get a fill for my lapband. I found out that the Capital Health Authority in Edmonton does this surgery so I phoned them to make an appointment to get a fill. Get this, they say I cannot get a fill there because they haven't got their billing for a fill figured out. What a lame excuse. I talked to my doctor about this and he will intervene for me. I hope he has enough clout to get me an appointment for a fill. Otherwise I may find myself flying back down to Mexico. I will also send another email to Iris Evans, our Minister of Health, explaining this situation and see what she has to say.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


It sure does not feel like 36 years have gone by since our wedding. But my drooping body, etc reminds me of it daily. Our anniversary was August 28th. We invited a few family members to come over for a b-b-q. I managed to eat part of a sausage--umm good.

I have to tell you the story of how Rudy and I got married. It was August 1970 and Rudy was still living at home. I had taught school at Medicine Hat High School for one year and was going to return to teaching there. We had discussed getting married many times but I knew it would be hard for him to go through a long ceremony. It was on a Tuesday that I said to Rudy we should get married before I went back to school. The reason was the students. I did not want to have my name changed part way through the school year. I wanted to have my married name before school started. After much discussion we decided to get married on Thursday at the City Hall with a Justice of the Peace. It took two days to get the license and arrive at a time for the JP to perform the ceremony. I did not have time to buy a new dress so I wore an orange two piece dress I already had. It was very short. Now how many of you got married in an orange dress?

On Thursday when we got to the City Hall we were told we needed two people to stand up with us. We phoned a couple we knew, Jake and Hilma, and asked them if they would stand up with us when we got married. We told them they had to come to the City Hall right away. Now Jake and Hilma are farmers and live about 15 kilometres from town so it took them awhile to get there. Meanwhile we were both nervous wrecks waiting for them.

When they finally arrived they had their farm work clothes on. They thought we had asked them to come to town to help us apply for a wedding license. They were some surprised to find out we were getting married in just a few minutes. So there I was in my orange dress, Jake and Hilma in their work clothes and Rudy looking very nervous. We did get married

When the ceremony was done, and we left the City Hall, Jake said that we needed to celebrate and he would go get some wine and go to my place and have a drink. Rudy informed everyone that he could not do that as he had to get back to work. I didn't know he hadn't asked for time off to get married. What could I do--I kissed him goodbye and went home. Jake and Hilma arrived shortly and we had a nice drink of wine.

Rudy arrived about 15 minutes later and said he did not have to go back to work. Now Rudy was taking his barber training at this time and had come over to the City Hall to marry me on his coffee break. When he got back to work, his boss asked him why his coffee break was so long. Rudy said that he had just got married. Obviously his boss believed him because he said "well, what are you doing here. I don't want to see you until Monday."

We went out for a very nice supper, drove to Fort McLeod, ate at the A & W, slept in a motel by the train track and drove to Waterton the next day. We sent a telegram to my parents: all it said was "Three down--two to go". I know it took Mom and Dad awhile to figure that out.

It has been a very good 36 years.


I am still doing great but not losing weight as quickly as before. Right now I am stalled at 19 pounds and holding. I sure like the way some of my 'old' clothes fit me now. They are kind of baggy and comfortable. I have gone through my closet though and taken two big bags of clothes out to be donated to the diabetic association. One place where I have lost weight is my bust. All my bras do not fit properly now. As Heidi would say 'the girls are not pointing in the right direction'.

I have added some cream soups, a bit of meat (small amounts) and fruit to my diet. Today though I am just drinking my 'drink' which consists of one cup of fruit juice, one and a half scoops of gaterade (powder) and fill the jug up with water until there are 8 cups of liquid. It really is quite tasty and because I drink it all day I am not hungry. This is the way I am trying to kickstart my losing pattern. I would really like to get to the 20 pound mark.

I am still getting along fine with much smaller doses of insulin--my blood sugar readings are wonderful. Will go see my doctor in the next 2 weeks to show off.

Monday, August 21, 2006


As you all know I have but one grandchild--a one-year old girl by the name of Katya. She is the apple of my eye--and we should not forget Opa--he thinks the sun rises and sets on her. Anyway her parents decided to head for Carstairs on Saturday, for a jam session with friends, and got Katya to ask if she could sleep over. These little one-year olds have a very special way of asking if they can sleep over. So Saturday morning she arrived.

Between reading books with her and playing all her games, going for walks, climbing countless stairs we survived the day. On Sunday Rudy (Opa) put up a child's swing for Katya on our deck. The cutest thing you will ever see. When her Mom and Dad came to pick her up we put Katya in the swing. She laughed and laughed and loved it. Now you know why Omas and Opas are very special people. They have time to play, to read, to feed, to walk, to climb stairs, to sing, to cuddle, to give baths, maybe go shopping, etc.

A new store opened on Saturday in Medicine Hat. It is called Giant Tiger (although Green Giant always comes into my head). We took her there for the grand opening. We were joined by close to a thousand other people who also came out for the store opening. Needless to say we did a lot of looking and no buying.

She now has three teeth which is good as she is almost 14 months old.


How am I doing. Just fine. I have gotten myself into a routine that is quite easy to follow. I have lost 17 pounds now. I keep checking my closet to find those nice clothes I used to get into years ago and I found some. What a surprise when I tried a few on and they fit. But I have started a box with clothes in it that are too big for me. The more boxes I fill the better. Rudy is really great about cooking for himself.

This week I have added into my liquid diet 3 fruits per day--apples, peaches, melons--anything that can be mushed up. In actuality I do not swallow the apples--just chew them and suck all the juice out of them. I have not had any trouble with eating anything yet.

Today I went for lunch with Anita and Curtis and I had some cauliflower soup. Boy did it taste wonderful. So I tried a bit of soup for supper and no problem either. I can have a small yogurt each day so that is very tasty, too.

Since I blogged last time I have received a phone call from Rob Renner's office--he is our MLA. Apparently there is a bariatric clinic in Edmonton at the Royal Alexandra Hospital where they do lapband surgery and it is completely covered by medicare. How about that for the best kept secret in Alberta--probably only one of many. None of my three doctors had even heard of it. I also received an e-mail from our other MLA--Len Mitzel. He personally (on my behalf) talked to Iris Evans--the Minister of Health and Wellness for Alberta about my surgery and that I would like some financial help. That was very nice of him to do that for me. A few days later I received an e-mail from Iris Evans saying that the only cost that could be reinbursed to me would be the cost of the visit with the physician because this surgery could be done here in Alberta.

Knowing that this can be done in Edmonton really helps me because when I need a fill for my lapband I know where I can go to get it done. I should get a fill eight weeks after the surgery. Now for the great part--there is a waiting list of two years for this surgery. If anyone is interested in pursuing this go under the Capital Health Unit and find bariatric surgery--not that there is much information given, but it does give you a form you can print and take to your doctor to be filled in and sent to Edmonton.

I am still very happy with how my surgery went. Mexico was great and I do not begrudge the money spent. My blood sugar readings are all normal--between 4-6. I will make an appointment the second week into September to see my doctor.

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Yes, it has been a week since my operation and I am feeling better every day. I have been doing some walking around the neighbourhood, too. What am I eating? Actually I don't know if you call this eating--but I will not argue about the definition of eating. I drink about two liters a day of liquids. I make myself a pot of tea in the morning and drink from it all day. I am choosing teas like pomegranate, orange spice etc, which have a distinct flavour rather than regular tea. I also drink at least one cup of gatorade a day. This has electrolytes in it which your body needs. I have discovered Knorr (Bovril) chicken soup pouches (the individual ones) and this sure helps because it is very tasty and satisfying. I eat diet Jello every day. Katya has learned to like it, too, so I don't get as much as I used to. She just can't figure jello out. When she tries to pick it up it separates and then she can't get hold of it to eat it.

I also mix a small jar of baby prune juice with 3/4 litres of water and drink from this all day, too. So you can see that I get lots of liquids. The healing of the band around my stomach is coming along. I used to feel all the food (liquid) when it entered my stomach and left it. It has settled down now so I don't feel that anymore. I have never had to throw up or had any trouble with anything I eat. Tomorrow I start week two and it is still liquids. I may add the occasional protein drink. I am not complaining about this restrictive diet. The clinic in Mexico gave me an 8-week eating schedule. It clearly lists all the foods you can eat each week. New foods are added every week, too. By the end of week 8 I should be back on every day food. This is a process I have to follow to be successful.

Rudy took me to Tim Horton's tonight and he had a coffee (I was very envious) and I had a decaf tea. This was the first time that I have gone out since getting home. Felt really good. I have lost 8 pounds and have found a 'diet tracker' on Yahoo to keep track of my weight loss. I put in my original weight, put in 52 weeks (one year), the weight I want to end up at, and the date. Then every time I weight myself and have lost weight I reenter the tracker and put down my new weight. It creates a graph of your weight loss, which tells you the % of weight you have lost, and tells you how many weeks you have left to meet your goal. It is really neat and creates a visual log of your progress.

I finally told Rudy's family what I had done and they were very supportive. They had lots of questions, too.

I will wait a few week before going to see my diabetic doctor.

I find that my eye sight is changing a lot. Some days I see better than others. But I will tell you all that if this surgery is what it takes to get my health back then it is worth all I am doing--which isn't too much--just drinking, laying around and taking the occasional walk.

So far, so good!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I'M BACK!!!!

Well it has been a long time since I sat here blogging. Many things have been happening in my life lately I really do not know where to start.


This process started well over a month ago. Lots of researching was done, talking to many people (and doctors) about the pros and cons of doing this. I finally made up my mind to get the surgery done. The day I decided, I e-mailed a lap-band (bariatric) clinic in Mexicali, Mexico. The town is right on the border with the USA. We set a date for August 3rd, and so the real planning began. I went on line to get our plane tickets. Never having done this before was a learning experience for me. Finally after booking our flights and then realizing I had made a mistake with the time we would be leaving Calgary I had to call and get it changed. They had not had enough time to put the original tickets through so there was no cost for the change.

My girls were all behind me in this. They were and are very supportive. I told very few people about what I was planning so I would not get any negative remarks.

We had to catch the plane in Calgary at 6:45 am Wednesday morning. This meant that we had a short sleep after supper and then got ready to drive to Calgary. We got there about 2:00 am and stopped at the Husky on Barlow Trail for something to eat. I remember years ago stopping there to eat. It really hasn't changed much. That was my last meal for quite awhile.

We then drove to 'Park and Jet' and took the shuttle to the airport. They were very accommodating there. We got to the airport around 4:00 and AmericanWest opened their ticket stall so we basically were the first ones through. Once through security, etc we found a couch to lay and to rest. By the time we got on the plane we were both very tired. I knew that I could not have anything to eat--of course they don't serve anything on the plane anyway. We tried to get some sleep but the plane was so small and cramped I could hardly believe what a tiny space we had to sit in. The seats were very hard, but the steward told us they do float if we landed in the water. Nice thought.

When we got to Las Vegas we had to get off the plane, wait awhile, then get back in line to get back on the same plane. Thankfully our luggage got to San Diego with us. Ernesto, from the clinic, was there waiting for Rudy and I. He had a big sign with my name on it. Sure was glad to see him. There was another lady, Kim, who was going to have this surgery, already in the van--she was from Seattle. The ride from San Diego took a bit over two hours. Wow, what a different country. I was blown away by the huge rocks and the mountains made out of rocks. Rudy and I both said that this is probably where the early westerns were filmed. You could just barely make out John Wayne waiting, with his horse, behind one of those big boulders for the bad guy to come along.

We arrived in Mexicali about 1:30. It was well over 100 degrees. Just like walking into a furnace. The clinic (hospital) was very nice and very cool. We were met by Nina, our coordinator for our stay. She was the person who took care of everything and I mean everything. She took me away quickly to have a blood test, a chest x-ray, an ecg, and a urine sample. Very professional people. Most did not speak English but it did not seem too much of a barrier. Nina told us to go out and have a nice supper--anything we wanted. Ernesto drove us to our hotel (which was paid for). Very good air conditioning. After supper I was so tired by 6:30 I thought I might get sick so I took my sleeping pill and went to bed. I had forgot that at 7:30 that night I was to meet with Dr. Acevas (the surgeon) and Dr. Campo (the anesthesiologist). They both told Rudy that they would talk to me in the morning before the operation.

Ernesto came to pick Rudy, Kim and myself up at 7:00 am to take us to the clinic. Already it was very hot. I was assigned room 24--a very nice room. Everything about the clinic was very nice and clean and lots of staff to look after you. Both doctors came to see me and explain what was going to happen and about the band--showed me one and explained how it was put in, how it worked, etc. Very thorough--very professional. They both said the main thing I have to keep in mind is to make the decision to eat properly after the surgery. The surgery will help with losing weight but the important decisions were mine as to whether I would follow their guidelines on how to eat or not. Even my nurse, (a nice looking young man) by the name of Carlo, emphasized that a commitment needed to be made about how we wanted to live with the lap-band and what we ate. This was a theme that was repeated many times.

Kim had her operation first. I had my operation about 1:00. It took 55 minutes. All done laparoscopically. I spend a few hours in the recovery room and then was taken back to my room. Rudy was waiting for me. I was very happy to see him. The recovery was quite remarkable in that there was very little pain and no after effect from the anesthesia. I slept on and off the rest of the day. I received two pain killers in my IV so maybe that was why I did not feel any pain. They made a bed for Rudy to sleep on in my room. I gave him a sleeping pill and he had a good night sleep. That was very nice of them because we did not have to pay for a hotel room for him for two nights--he just stayed with me. He did some wandering around Mexicali while I was 'out' but found it almost too hot to stay out very long. The day after the surgery was much the same. I did a lot of walking. Kim and Rudy and I and another girl Tina, who had the operation the same day we did, hired a taxi to take us to a big mall. There were probably 100 stores in there and at least 15 shoe stores. We looked around and bought a pair of runners for Katya, which she will have to grow into, that light up when you walk in them. Just too cute. So we spent $10 on the shoes and that was that.

The next morning we got up around 7:00 and Ernesto drove us back to San Diego. Kim was with us and a young fellow who had the procedure done, too. I have no idea how many people have this operation per day. All I know is that the doctor visited me many times, Nina took lots of time with us to make sure we were happy about everything, and everyone was extremely nice. I would recommend this place to anyone who wanted this procedure done.

If any of you, who read this, is interested in this clinic go to You can read their website and get lots of information.

I have lost 7.5 pounds since the surgery and am doing well. Rudy is really wonderful. This surgery may not be for everyone but I am sure that it will add many years to my life. My diabetes was getting out of control and I really did not feel well. There were two reasons why I had this done. Number one is that I have been told by the clinic there and my own doctor that if I lose my weight I will most likely not have to take insulin anymore, and number two is that I needed to lose weight. I have already cut my insulin in half and my readings are all between 4 and 6. They say "4 to 7 go to heaven". I am counting on it.

Will keep you posted with my progress. As of right now I am doing great. Tomorrow I will venture out to do some much needed shopping--but not too much. I have also started walking around the block 2 times a day--a beginning.


It was so nice to see her when we got home. She looks like she has grown a few inches. She has one tooth now. It took her 13 months to get that tooth so we are very proud of it.

Take care.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


This morning I received a phone call around 10:00 from the SPCA to inform me that my cat, Poppy, was with them and she was dead. She had been hit by a car. I thought they must mean a different cat. She said it was white and gray and I'm thinking my cat is not white and gray she is beautiful and clean and loving with a dark tail. They must have the wrong cat. I hung up and waited a long time but she did not come when I called. I am sad.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


First, I want to say that decision making is getting easier. Why, I do not know. Maybe it is just getting more practice doing it. I have started with small things like what will I do today or eat today or should I have a bath or a shower. How can one go wrong these. Then you go to your closet and begin to decide what will I wear today. Now this can be a very hard decision because when you look in your closet you encounter dozens and dozens of pieces of clothing that you really don't care to see anymore or haven't worn for decades. Why is it still hanging there? Would someone tell me what to do with all this mass of clothing. I must make a decision to clean out my closet--maybe another time, eh!

What do you choose to wear. Most likely it is the same thing you wore a few days ago. I truly believe I recycle only about 3-4 things in my closet that I like to wear. One day I want to open my closet door and see only those 4 things in there. Will I be happy about this? Ask Rudy. Four is probably the right number for me as my number is 4--or I could choose 8 or 12 or 16. You see how it works.

I went to Lethbridge with my 60 Chix on Tuesday to shop at Costo. Now that is shopping big. I mean, everything I bought will last until I get back there next year. In 25 minutes I spent $96--must be a record. Lunch was at Ric's Grill at the top of the old Water Tower. Nice view, nice food, good company--what more could one ask. We were joined by my daughter, Heidi--my first born--whom I love very much. She was wearing a pair of bright pink capri pants that made her look soooo good. Way to go! After a bit more shopping we ended up at Henderson Lake, sitting at a picnic table having a snack (birthday cake and coffee) and enjoying the afternoon--beautiful weather, peaceful lake and good friends.

My lapband surgery has been booked. Another decision made. Then I had to book our flights and more decisions had to be made. I only had to call the airline and change my flight and time once. Left me breathless. Rudy and I fly to San Diego August 2nd and I have the surgery at 11:00 August 3rd. We fly home on the 5th. A very quick trip but very worth it.

Friday, July 07, 2006


As you all know I am a real mugwamp. Today that changed. I feel like a different person, I actually make a decision and carried it through. I phoned a real estate agent and listed one of our 3 acreages we have for sale. I was almost shaking by the time she got here this afternoon.

She was so professional (could it have been that she was a woman) that I am sure I just signed my life away. The price is $175,000. We did lots of research from different real estate agents and that was the price that came up the most often. It will appear on MLS by July 11th.


I have been collecting cobalt blue glass for many years and have several very nice pieces. I even made a piece of stained glass in blue that I have in my greenhouse window above my kitchen sink. Blue is so peaceful--especially cobalt blue. In fact, I have several pieces of blue glass in this window and when the sun shines in through the blue it is gorgeous. It is not that I do not like all other colours but my eye keeps going back to blue. Now all shades of blue do not do much for me--only cobalt blue. Do you have a favourite colour that just changes your mood? I hope so.

Talking about blue glass reminds me that I also have a favourite number. Now this number is not just my favourite--it is my number. My world revolves around this number. It keeps me company all day--every day and has for years. It enters into my thinking many times during the day. It affects me physically in some things that I do, too. Now I thought that I was unique in this number thing and, of course, kept it to myself for years fearing someone would find out and think I was crazy. Well, I am not crazy, I am just stuck with the number 4. It has grabbed me and won't let go. Now I have found out there are some other number people out there. I do not have an exclusive club after all--I am glad.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

LAND FOR SALE, new neighbours, 60 CHIX, history book MHHS, LAPBAND SURGERY

Rudy and I have decided that now is the time to sell one of our lots. We will put one up for sale and see how it goes. We were going to try selling it by ourselves but, in the end, decided to let our lawyer's wife, Ellen, give it a try.


We have new neighbours as of the beginning of July. The first few days there seemed to be people all over. Lots of young people sitting around drinking beer, etc. I really had my doubts about having quiet neighbours. But since then it has been quiet--in fact all I see is a little brown and white dog. I'm finding that the older I get the more intolerant I am regarding noise around me. This is a rental house and a lady and her son had rented it for about 12 years. They were quiet and friendly. It was sad to see them go. Our neighbourhood is indeed changing. There has been 6 houses sell recently within a few houses from us. Things are changing.


We will be celebrating our 45 anniversary from graduating from Brooks Composite High School on July 21-23. We have a reunion every five years. It will be held in Brooks at the Cassils Community Hall. There will be three of our former teachers there. They are always great to sit and visit with. One teacher, Mr. Baergan, will come riding up on his big motorcycle complete with leather outfit and black helmut. We were the first students he ever taught. We will have a silent auction. I am just about finished sewing a fleece quilt. Must get working on it.


I taught at MHHS from September 1969 to June 1999 (30 years). Before that I taught in Brooks for 3 years. MHHS is having a reunion the first week-end of August. A former colleague and myself have written a book about MHHS's history for the years 1956-1971. We have it finished and it is at the printers. It took many hours of work getting the historical information, pictures that were appropriate for those years, and getting everything in the correct order.

I saw a draft of the book a few days ago and was really proud of what we had done. Then I phoned the lady who is head of the reunion committee and told her what we had done and she was absolutely delighted and surprised. We now know how many books to get printed. We kept this a secret from the reunion committee until we knew it would be completed and ready for the reunion.


I have received a letter from the doctor who will be doing my surgery and everything is set. I just have to decide on the exact date. It will definitely be this month. Will tell you when I am sure of the date. Exciting times coming up.



What a cutie. This is my granddaughter, Katya, in her birthday dress, getting ready for her big party. Pink was the colour of the day. Her tante Heidi gave her a shimmery pink sequence dress, a princess hat with a veil and a princess banner to wear over her shoulder. We must not forget, although you cannot see them, the diminutive sparkley, pink sandals she is wearing--only fit for a princess of her stature.


I have been considering going on a river cruise in Europe in 2007 with my daughter Heidi. We always have great fun together. Anyway, my cruise director friend Donna, phoned today to see how I was getting along and asked if I was planning another cruise. When I told her I was looking into a European River Cruise, she became very animated. Next thing I knew she came to visit me and brought a book for me to look through. If you are at all interested at looking at cruises by Uniworld the website is

She also included another book from Globus which you can find at


I am driving to Lethbridge on the 11th for a fun day with the 60 Chix. Now you are going to ask me, who are the 60 Chix. We go back a long way. I was born in Brooks, Alberta in 1943. I was the first baby girl born in the Brooks Hospital and I was the youngest student to start grade one. By School Board mandate you had to be 6 by September 1 to go into grade one. My birthday was September 21 and I should not have been allowed to go but they changed the rules that year. Therefore I was the youngest in my grade.

A few years ago, when some of my classmates and myself were 59 turning 60, we formed a group called the 60 Chix complete with bright pink t-shirts with our group name 60-Chix printed on it. There are 8 in our group. The fantastic thing is that we all started grade one together and all graduated from grade 12 together. Some of us had moved away from Brooks but we still kept in touch as much as possible. As everyone turned 60 we had a party for that chick. We usually tried to broaden our horizons by going somewhere special--maybe where we had not been before. When the year was over we decided not to stop this camaraderie.

We have visited sites such as: The Japanese Garden in Lethbridge, Lee Valley Store in Calgary, the Hanna Doll Museum, Elkwater in the Cypress Hills, Millarville for the Christmas Craft sale, a guided tour of Lake Newall (which we all frequented when we were growing up), and Empress (which is 1.5 hours north of Medicine Hat on Highway 41) where we took in all the artist finery there. It is a very small town with some remarkable artists living there.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Wow, what more could you ask for. Today was my granddaughters first birthday. Her birthday was on Friday but celebrated today. Around 30 some people--of all ages--arrived at noon for a great bar-b-que. We had pink balloons, a Tinkerbell cake, ice cream cones, lots of presents and yummy food. The birthday girl had on a beautiful green dress. The weather was perfect--around 22 degrees to start with--a little rain to cool things off--then lots of sunshine.

Everyone ate way too much--but that is to be expected at a first birthday party. I made 'spetzla', a German dough dish with sauerkraut. It is a favourite and quickly disappeared before I got to it.

Katya, my granddaughter, asked if she could sleep over tonight and I agreed. Not too many one-year olds know how to do this. Consequently her Mom and Dad get to sleep in longer tomorrow morning.

I was very impressed Katya received money that was ear-marked for her registered education fund. Times are a changing.

To change the topic I want to say that we have now dug our third well. We have 4 lots in our subdivision. One was given to my daughter and her husband (lot # 3). One is ours (lot # 4) and the other two are for sale. Now that the newly dug well (on lot # 3) has come in we have to decide whether to sell them (lots # 3 and # 4) right away or wait awhile and see what the prices do. Medicine Hat certainly is not like Calgary with their huge price jumps for houses and property--but we may not be far behind. This is where my 'mugwamp syndrome' comes into play. Do we sell now or wait awhile and hope the price of the land goes up. Can we afford to wait. Lot # 4 is 1.9 acres and lot #3 is 1.5 acres. Everything is so green and fresh out there because of all the rain we have had. The cacti are blooming along with other native flowers.

As you know construction of a house right now is a finnicky thing. Trying to find a company to do the basement and cement work may be hard. I would really like to have the basement poured and the house built to the stage where we could work on the inside of it this winter. This is something I will be phoning around about this week. Add this to my list of things to do.

Talk about doing things this week. I am already booked solid. My eyes get checked tomorrow, my teeth get cleaned on Tuesday, I look after Katya Wednesday and Thursday, and Friday Rudy and I rest. Then I have to see if I can find someone to do the basement, get hold of Fortis to get them to come out to the land to put the electrical lines in, phone Telus about getting rid of my land line, have another real estate agent come out to the acreages to give their version of what we should sell them for. The last one said $175, 000 per acreage. What will this one say? Maybe they are all out to lunch.

Another subject that is forefront in my mind is LAPBAND surgery. Decisions--decisions!! I have been researching this for a few months and have decided to go ahead and have it done. Lapband surgery is done to help you lose weight. I am 70 pounds overweight and have not been able to lose that much. I am diabetic so need to lose this weight so I can get off using insulin.

The surgury uses a band that is placed around the top of your stomach. The band is filled with a saline solution. When you eat you have to eat very small amounts--for the first few weeks it will be mostly liquids. The food needs to pass through the small opening created by the band. The band can be tightened or opened more. The doctor says that 95% of type 2 diabetics are insulin free after they have lost their weight.

I have researched two places where lapriscopic lapband surgery is done. The first place is in Toronto, Ontario and costs $15,000. The other is in Mexicali, Mexico and costs $8,200. That is a considerable difference in price. Both places appear to do the surgery the same way, have good treatment before, during and after the surgery. There are two differences though. The first is the difference in the money needed for the surgery and the other is that in Toronto you are sent home a few hours after the surgery, in Mexico they keep you in the hospital for two days and nights to monitor you.

I have been in contact with the Diabetes Center here in Medicine Hat and told them what I am going to do. I have an appointment with my diabetic doctor next week, I have talked to my own doctor (who is very supportive of me in this venture), I have talked to my sister, who is a nurse, and she said 'go for it'. My other sister is supportive, too. My three daughters say 'Mom, go get it done.' The last person I told about this was my husband, Rudy. I wanted to have all my bases covered and be positive in my mind that I was going to have this done. He really surprised me by saying 'who is going with you?' and I said Anita, our daughter, had said she would. After a lot of discussion and question asking Rudy said that he wanted to go with me because I might need someone to look after me. Men can be full of surprises. Loved it!!

This has given me more courage to get on with this. I started, last night, to look for cheap flights to San Diego from Calgary. Tonight I will check out how many airmiles I will need--maybe I will have enough. Whatever way I will get down to Mexicali and have this procedure done as quickly as I can. I will keep you informed on my progress.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I suppose you all know what a mugwamp is, but for those of you who don't I will explain. You see there is this fence and you are sitting on it procrastinating. Your head is one one side and your wamp is on the other. Hence, you don't know which way to go. You can't make a decision. Well, this is my predicament.

I told my husband, when we got married, that one reason I married him was because he promised he would make all the decisions. Well, things don't always work out the way you want them to.

We have owned a nice piece of land since the 70's, and have been trying to subdivide it for five years. Yes, five years. This past February we finally got our subdivision which consists of 4 acreages. Each acreage is about 1.5 acres. They are positioned high up on top of the coulees overlooking the South Saskatchewan River. Fantastic view. One of the acreages is for us, the others we will sell. Now that we have come this far we have become mugwamps because we don't know whether to build on our lot or sell it. What do you think? I am sure I will be talking and discussing this land problem with you many times in the future.

We have also been looking for a name to call the subdivision but no one can agree on a name so it is simply called the land or the acreages. Any suggestions for a name? Something catchy and unique.

My daughter from Lethbridge has been staying with us for the week-end. I love when she comes because we can go shopping, drink lots of coffee and talk. Lots of talking is so refreshing. Do you ever feel starved for conversation. Do you feel that there is never enough time in the day to say all you want to say to someone who is actually listening. Maybe it is a man thing.

A good thing that happened today. I was sitting in the back yard with my granddaughter. She was in her swimming pool splashing around and I was sitting in a chair drinking coffee, enjoying the warm weather, talking to her mother and putting my feet in the water.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My grandaughters first birthday.

Next Friday is a very special day. It is the birthday of my only grand child. She was born June 30, 2005. Her mother has planned a special party, complete with family members from her husband's family and friends, and pink ribbons for her birthday. I, myself, have planned another party for my side of the family complete with pink dresses, a princess hat, a pink sash, pink shoes, hambergers and pink crystal lite. My grandaughter's name is Katya Emma Vander Meulen.

Learning How to Post

Ok, second attempt at emailing in a post. Hope this works!!
Shirley Schempp

This is Me and This is My First Post