Wednesday, July 12, 2006


First, I want to say that decision making is getting easier. Why, I do not know. Maybe it is just getting more practice doing it. I have started with small things like what will I do today or eat today or should I have a bath or a shower. How can one go wrong these. Then you go to your closet and begin to decide what will I wear today. Now this can be a very hard decision because when you look in your closet you encounter dozens and dozens of pieces of clothing that you really don't care to see anymore or haven't worn for decades. Why is it still hanging there? Would someone tell me what to do with all this mass of clothing. I must make a decision to clean out my closet--maybe another time, eh!

What do you choose to wear. Most likely it is the same thing you wore a few days ago. I truly believe I recycle only about 3-4 things in my closet that I like to wear. One day I want to open my closet door and see only those 4 things in there. Will I be happy about this? Ask Rudy. Four is probably the right number for me as my number is 4--or I could choose 8 or 12 or 16. You see how it works.

I went to Lethbridge with my 60 Chix on Tuesday to shop at Costo. Now that is shopping big. I mean, everything I bought will last until I get back there next year. In 25 minutes I spent $96--must be a record. Lunch was at Ric's Grill at the top of the old Water Tower. Nice view, nice food, good company--what more could one ask. We were joined by my daughter, Heidi--my first born--whom I love very much. She was wearing a pair of bright pink capri pants that made her look soooo good. Way to go! After a bit more shopping we ended up at Henderson Lake, sitting at a picnic table having a snack (birthday cake and coffee) and enjoying the afternoon--beautiful weather, peaceful lake and good friends.

My lapband surgery has been booked. Another decision made. Then I had to book our flights and more decisions had to be made. I only had to call the airline and change my flight and time once. Left me breathless. Rudy and I fly to San Diego August 2nd and I have the surgery at 11:00 August 3rd. We fly home on the 5th. A very quick trip but very worth it.

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